Weather In Myrtle Beach In December

December weather in Myrtle Beach is highly variable, although seldom very cold. The average daily high temperature in December is 58°F (15°C), although highs into the 70s are not rare.

Warm, sunny weather, while by no means guaranteed, is common in December, and many visitors find the weather to be generally very pleasant, especially if coming from cooler areas.

It won’t be beach weather, but walks along the beach are likely to be enjoyable. Other outdoor attractions, such as nearby Huntington Beach State Park or Brookgreen Gardens, are also often very nice to visit at this time of year. some water-based activities such as boat rentals, and on warmer days, kayaking or paddle boarding, are also feasible in December, although availability may not be as high as in season.

Pack for a range of weather conditions, regardless of what the forecast predicts (it can be unreliable for Myrtle Beach’s winter weather). You won’t generally need heavy outerwear, but layers and a light jacket are recommended, as is an umbrella.

In the event of inclement weather, Myrtle Beach also offers plenty of indoor attractions and activities, including excellent shopping, several museums, an aquarium, and seasonal shows.

See also:
Myrtle Beach festivals
Travel options between Charleston and Myrtle Beach
Food festivals in the Myrtle Beach area
– Myrtle Beach weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November

Temperature & Humidity In Myrtle Beach In December

The average daily high temperature in Myrtle Beach in December is 58°F (15°C). The average daily low is 37°F (3°C).

The average high temperature for December disguises quite a wide range in temperatures from day to day. Daily high temperatures down in the 30s are quite possible at this time of year, although the 40s to low 50s are more typical on the cooler December days. Roughly a third of days in an average December will be within this range.

Highs in the upper 60s to low 70s are also fairly common, with the daily high surpassing 70°F (21°C) on at least a few days in most Decembers.

Variation in daily high temperature within one week can be 30°F or more, and on some days, the temperature might rise by 20°F between a cooler morning and a sunny afternoon. It can fall equally precipitously after nightfall, particularly if the weather is clear. On cloudy days, temperature is generally more even throughout the day.


Myrtle Beach is not usually humid in December.

Water Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Myrtle Beach in December averages between 61-66°F (15-20°C), which most people will find too cold for swimming on account of the cooler air temperatures at this time of the year. Some watersports may still be enjoyable on warmer days.

December Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Myrtle Beach

Sunshine in Myrtle Beach in December averages 6 hours per day. Rain averages 3.3 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 7-8 days.

In an average December, you can expect from a third to a half of days to bring mostly clear and sunny weather. While it is possible to enjoy several such days together, the weather at this time of year can be very variable, and sunny days can alternate with cloudy or changeable ones.

Cloudiness is not rare in Myrtle Beach in December, with predominantly overcast weather (perhaps with rain) on anything up to around a third of days this month. The rest of December (between a third and a half of days) offers a combination of sunny and cloudy periods, the latter sometimes bringing rain.

Hurricane Risk

December falls outside of Myrtle Beach’s hurricane season, which runs from June through November.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Myrtle Beach In December


In December, the sun rises at 7:02am at the beginning of the month and at 7:20am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:34am at the start of the month, and by 5:51am at the end.


The sun sets at 5:06pm at the start of the month, and at 5:17pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 18:35pm at the beginning of the month, and by 18:46pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in December averages around 10 hours per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.