Weather In Myrtle Beach In August

The weather in Myrtle Beach in August is hot and very humid, with an average daily high temperature of 87°F (31°C). Although clear sunny weather is common during the month, there can also be cloudy periods.

Rain, usually in the form of brief afternoon rain showers and thunderstorms, is fairly frequent. Don’t worry if the forecast shows rain for every day of your visit: many rain showers are highly localised, and you will likely see only brief rain (or none at all) on most days rain is forecast for the area.

The ocean offers a respite from South Carolina’s heat and humidity, whether you are swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, or renting a boat or jet ski. Myrtle Beach also has a variety of air-conditioned attractions for the hottest part of the day, including abundant shopping, several museums, an aquarium and other indoor attractions.

Hurricane season runs from June through November. South Carolina is usually most impacted during the fall months, with the risk of hurricanes and tropical storms rising from August onward.

See also:
Myrtle Beach festivals
Travel options between Charleston and Myrtle Beach
– Myrtle Beach weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December

Temperature & Humidity In Myrtle Beach In August

The average daily high temperature in Myrtle Beach in August is 87°F (31°C). The average daily low is 71°F (22°C).

Daily highs through August are reasonably consistent, with a high in the 80s most days through the month. Daily highs seldom rise above 95°F (36°C), although temperatures in the low 90s are more common. Temperatures in August can stay in the 70s on cooler days.

Mornings can often be cooler than the afternoons, so if you are hoping to engage in some active outdoor recreation, this is often a better time than the hotter parts of the day. Although temperatures do fall into the evening, it is not usually by more than about 10°F.


Myrtle Beach weather in August is often extremely humid.

Water Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Myrtle Beach in August averages between 82-84°F (27-29°C), perfect for swimming and watersports.

August Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Myrtle Beach

Sunshine in Myrtle Beach in August averages 8 hours per day. Rain averages 6.2 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 10-11 days.

Although it can often be cloudier than the other summer months, August still offers a very good amount of sunshine, albeit with quite some variability from one year to the next. Between a third and two thirds of days during the month are usually primarily sunny, although not necessarily completely clear.

Mostly cloudy days are typically more common than in July, occurring on up to about a quarter of days during a usual August.

Many days this month can also be partially cloudy (often several such days can occur together), with rain possible during any cloudy weather. Days of mixed cloudy and sunny weather often see rain showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, a weather pattern common across the southeast during the summer months.

Hurricane Risk In Myrtle Beach In August

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 31, with the majority of storms that affect Myrtle Beach coming in the later months of the season, usually from August onwards.

It is possible for travel to the Myrtle Beach area in August to be affected by hurricanes and tropical storms. If you are booking ahead of time, it may be best to obtain suitable insurance to cover your trip in case you have to cancel. Make sure that it offers weather-related coverage, as not all policies do.

If Myrtle Beach is impacted by a hurricane or other severe weather during your visit, seek and follow local advice and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Information about what to do in the event of a hurricane is available at the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, and local storm surge flooding maps and emergency contact information can be found at the Horry County Government website.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Myrtle Beach In August


In August, the sun rises at 6:27am at the beginning of the month and at 6:48am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 4:52am at the start of the month, and by 5:22am at the end.


The sun sets at 8:15pm at the start of the month, and at 7:41pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 9:50pm at the beginning of the month, and by 9:08pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in August averages 13 hours 20 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.