Weather In Myrtle Beach In November

Myrtle Beach weather in November is typically warm and sunny, with average daily highs of 68°F (20°C) and a usual range of highs between the upper 50s and the mid 70s.

This can be an excellent time of year for an off-season visit to Myrtle Beach, especially if you do not expect your trip to be centered around the beach. It can however still be beach weather in November, especially at the beginning of the month, although probably too cool for a swim.

The weather can also often still be warm enough for some watersports, especially activities such as boat tours or boat rentals or kayak trips into the local marshes or to Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge.

Although days are generally warm, and you will likely want short sleeves for sunny days, evenings can be cool, so pack layers and a light jacket too.

Hurricane season runs from June through November, with hurricanes impacting the South Carolina coast most likely during the fall months. In the event of a hurricane or tropical storm, follow all local advice and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

See also:
Myrtle Beach festivals
Travel options between Charleston and Myrtle Beach
Food festivals in the Myrtle Beach area
– Myrtle Beach weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December

Temperature & Humidity In Myrtle Beach In November

The average daily high temperature in Myrtle Beach in November is 68°F (20°C). The average daily low is 45°F (7°C).

By November, the weather is becoming more unpredictable, and the daily highs can vary somewhat from day to day (with the number of warmer and cooler days also fluctuating a little from year to year).

Typical daily highs are in the 60s, although the high temperature can fall to the 50s and sometimes even lower still on at least several days during the typical November.

Quite warm temperatures are still very likely at this time of the year, however. The temperature can exceed 70°F (21°C) on up to a third or so of days during an average November, and it can reach 80°F (27°C) on the hottest days (more commonly at the beginning of the month).

Temperature swings from one day to the next can on occasion be extreme. It is possible for the daily high temperature to plummet 30°F in the space of 24 hours, although smaller variations are more normal.

Particularly on sunny days, there can also be significant differences between peak afternoon temperature and the temperature in the morning and later that evening, with a very warm afternoon swiftly giving way to a decidedly cool night.


Although the weather can sometimes be humid in November, the degree of humidity is far lower than during the summer months. Oppressive humidity is rare this month.

Water Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Myrtle Beach in November averages between 67-71°F (18-23°C), which should be warm enough for some watersports. Many people will find the water too cold for swimming, however, due to the cooler air temperatures at this time of year.

November Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Myrtle Beach

Sunshine in Myrtle Beach in November averages 6 hours per day. Rain averages 2.5 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 6 days.

November is typically a sunny month, although the number of sunny days can vary somewhat from year to year, depending on whether there is a storm system passing through.

In the absence of storms, you can expect perfectly clear, sunny weather on up to two thirds of days this month, with extended periods of excellent weather quite common. Even in the least sunny years, a third to a half of November weather will be day-long sun.

Days of overcast or mixed cloudy and sunny weather also vary in number depending on whether or not there is a storm. In the best years, there might be only a couple of overcast days and several additional mixed days.

In years when November’s weather is worse than average, it might be cloudy all day on more than a third of days during the month, and partially cloudy on additional days besides. As cloudy weather is often due to large-scale storm systems, many cloudy days can occur together.

Hurricane Risk In Myrtle Beach In November

The Atlantic hurricane season, which affects Myrtle Beach, runs from June 1 through November 31, with the majority of storms that affect Myrtle Beach coming in the later months of the season, usually from August onwards.

It is possible for travel to the Myrtle Beach area in November to be affected by hurricanes and tropical storms. If you are booking ahead of time, you may want to obtain suitable insurance to cover your trip in case you have to cancel. Make sure that it offers weather-related coverage, as not all policies do.

In the event that the Myrtle Beach area is impacted by a hurricane or other dangerous weather during your visit, seek and follow local advice and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Information about what to do in the event of a hurricane is available at the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, and local storm surge flooding maps and emergency contact information can be found at the Horry County Government website.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Myrtle Beach In November


In November, the sun rises at 6:35am at the beginning of the month and at 7:01am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:10am at the start of the month, and by 5:33am at the end.


The sun sets at 5:22pm at the start of the month, and at 5:07pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 18:47pm at the beginning of the month, and by 18:35pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in November averages around 10 hours 30 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.