Weather In Charleston In July

By July, Charleston’s oppressively hot and humid summers are reaching their peak. Temperatures are usually into the 90s, and can reach 100 on the hottest days.

Water- and beach-focused activities are popular during the summer months, with cooling breezes at local beaches. If you won’t be at the beach, it is usually advisable to plan more active sightseeing for the morning and visit air-conditioned or shaded attractions such as museums or historic houses during the hottest parts of the day.

Pack light, loose clothing appropriate for hot and sticky weather. An umbrella will generally be required for Charleston's frequent summer rain showers, and insect repellent is recommended too if you will be visiting any nature sites. High factor sun screen is a must for all complexions.

Hurricanes are possible through July. If you will be booking your travel ahead of time, consider buying insurance to cover the risk of disrupted travel. In the event of a hurricane during your visit, follow all local guidance and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

See also:
July festivals and events
Visiting Charleston in the summer
When is the best time of year to visit Charleston?
Things to do during your visit to Charleston
– Charleston's weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November or December

Temperature & Humidity In Charleston In July


The daily maximum temperature in Charleston in July averages 91°F (33°C), with the lowest daily highs usually being around 79-84°F (26-29°C), up to around 97-99°F (36-37°C) on the hottest days.

In an average year, you can expect the temperature to exceed 90°F (32°C) on about two thirds of the days in July, and in the hottest Julys that high temperature may be reached or exceeded on almost every single day through the month. Days where the maximum temperature does not exceed 85°F (30°C) are rare.

In the morning, temperatures are around 75-85°F (24-30°C). Evening temperatures are in the same range, falling to a daily low of around 70-75°F (21-24°C) overnight.


The weather in Charleston is oppressively humid through most of July, both during the day and the night.

Sea Temperature

Surface water temperature in July at the beaches near Charleston is around 82-84°F (27-30°C), just right for swimming and watersports.

July Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Charleston

The average July in Charleston has 9 or so hours of sunshine each day. Rainfall for the month totals an average of 6.5 inches, with rain occurring on an average of 13 days.

July in Charleston is frequently sunny, with many days either clear or mostly so. The typical day, however, is more mixed, with sunny periods punctuated by periods of cloudiness, especially in the afternoons, when there may also be thunderstorms and rain showers. Only a few days in the average July are primarily overcast or rainy.

The average UV index in Charleston in July is 10.

Wind speeds in July average a little over 8mph, with 2-3 days each month mostly calm or with a light breeze, and 2-3 days on average where wind speeds may reach around 15mph or higher.

Daylight Hours In Charleston In July


In July, the sun rises at around 6:15am at the beginning of the month and at 6:30am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:45am at the start of the month, and by 6:05am at the end.


The sun sets at around 8:30pm at the start of the month, and at around 8:20pm by its end. It should be dark by around 9pm at the beginning of the month, and by 8:55pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in July averages around 14 hours per day, plus an additional 25-35 minutes of low light at the beginning and again at the end of the day.